Members present were Father Fred Barrett, Della and Charles Gill, Jim Heinrich, Brenda Pitonyak, and Ted Moseley. Mary Jeannette Moseley was present as secretary.
Fred opened the meeting with an abbreviated version of the Holy Eucharist and Communion.
The minutes were distributed and reviewed from the last meeting. Brenda made the motion to approve and Charles seconded the motion.
1. Beach Food Pantry—Fred has inquired about the food pantry and how to make a connection for Good Shepherd. There are several requirements to be met by the church in order to receive the benefits for our parishioners. Mary Jeannette agreed to be the point person for this project
2. Outreach—The Dream Center will soon no longer be available to be used for Ruthie’s Kitchen community dinners. Discussion followed about where these dinners will be served in the future and the possibility of having a place big enough to do this ourselves.
Discussion continued in great depth about the pros and cons of finding and having a new place to worship. One particular place on Colington Road may be available, depending on the rent , space, and it’s availability. SC members were encouraged to make a list of things that would be important to us in our search for a new place of worship.
On November 1, we will begin our daily Bible studies for the Wesley Experiment. We will gather each week at 6:30 on Wednesday night to pray, read scripture, and conduct whatever business the Servant Council feels necessary.
Fred closed the meeting with prayer, followed by The Lord’s Prayer by all.