Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lenten Verses for Wednesday Night's Prayer Meeting

Our February verses have run out for our daily devotionals and our Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting discussions. We decided tonight to continue through Lent using the verses provided in Holy Redeemer's Lenten devotional booklet. Below are the verses with the dates. Please use them in your morning devotionals and be prepared to discuss them at the Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting. There is no verse for Sundays. We should be studying the lectionary readings on that day. We hope to see you next Wednesday, and please email me if you need directions to Brenda's house. All are invited, can come anytime, and are not obligated to make every meeting. Blessings!

1 Mark 1:12-13
2 Mark 1:14
3 Mark 1:15
5 Mark 9:2-3
6 Mark 9:4-6
7 Mark 9:7
8 Mark 9:8
9 Mark 9:9
10 Mark 9:10
12 John 2:13-14
13 John 2:15-16
14 John 2:17-18
15 John 2:19
16 John 2:20-21
17 John 2:22-25
19 John 3:14-15
20 John 3:16!
21 John 3:17
22 John 3:18
23 John 3:19
24 John 3:20-21
26 John 12:20-23
27 John 12:24
28 John 12:25
29 John 12:26
30 John 12:27-29
31 John 12:30-33
2 Mark 14:12-16
3 Mark 14:22-25
4 Mark 14:53, 65
5 Mark 14:66-68
6 Mark 15:37-39