Our first Adult Teaching session will be on John Stott's Basic Christianity, and the format of the sessions will be as follows: we will each read part of the book on our own, and then come to the session on Sunday Morning with questions. I will have questions, too, so that we can get the discussion started. This way we can all take the conversation to the places where we each most need Christ's discipleship. I have ten copies of the book to give to anyone who wants one, and I will bring them to the Easter service this Sunday for people to take. Hope you can participate in this first discipleship series in our new location!
2910 S Croatan Hwy, Suite 1, Nags Head, The Outer Banks, 252-207-4050, Worship: 10am Sundays
Monday, April 2, 2012
Adult Teaching Begins 4/15
The first Sunday after Easter, April 15th, will be our first Sunday of discipleship. Sunday school will resume for the school-aged children, but we will also begin a new series in Adult Teaching. Starting at 10am each Sunday, we will gather in the chapel area, behind the glass doors on the left as you enter His Dream Center, and we will meet for 45 minutes, so that we can have 15 minutes to prepare our hearts for worship in the main sanctuary.