Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Good Shepherd Planning Session - Tuesday, July 31

Good Shepherd is having a planning session a week from today.  On Tuesday, July 31st from 5PM to 9PM we will meet at Sue and Ed Weems' house on Ocean Blvd for food and to clarify our plan for Good Shepherd for the upcoming year.  All church attendees are invited, as well as anyone with an interest in where Good Shepherd is headed. Please RSVP me if you are coming, and I will let our hosts know, so we can plan food accordingly.  I will also give you directions to the house.

During the session, we will look at our core values, mission, and vision statements, developed in the fall of 2010:

Core Values:
  • To surrender to God's will.
  • To teach and preach the Holy Scriptures as the Word of God.
  • To make prayer the foundation of all we do.

To live with Christ Jesus as our Savior, growing together as an intergenerational family, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

We are followers of Christ who share ministries of healing, discipleship, and outreach in local groups and unite weekly for worship on the Outer Banks.

What needs to be changed?  Is our Church headed in a different direction from what is written above?  I would love to hear everyone's personal vision of where he or she sees the church a year from now.  Then, we can come up with a collective vision.  Please RSVP, and I look forward to seeing you all there in a week!