Our liturgy is from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, the standard for the worldwide Anglican Communion. This classical Anglican liturgy brings us from the law and repentance to the gospel and God's glory. With the Lord's prayer as a foundation, we begin with the law, the ten commandments, how we fall short of them and need the Lord's grace to keep them. Next, we read scripture, sing a psalm, and recite the Nicene Creed together, stamping our 'amen' on the preceding scripture, affirming our belief in God's Word, and commanding the pastor to preach a biblically faithful sermon.
After a time of encouragement, we begin the liturgy of the table, praying for the state of Christ's Church and the world. We then are exhorted to examine ourselves before coming to the Lord's table, so as not to take communion unworthily; we confess our sins corporately; and finally we are comforted by God's promise of forgiveness and salvation. Holy Communion is taken together, reminding us of the unity of the body of Christ. We pray the Lord's prayer, a prayer of thanksgiving, and then we glorify the Lord in song.
We hope you will someday participate in this historical and biblical worship of our Lord that has kept this expression of Anglicanism in unity for 500 years.